Cmentarna 57
39-200 Dębica
A nutritional supplement intended for enriching the diet of breeding animals during the postpartum and lactation period. The active ingredients support the rapid improvement of physical condition, help improve the functioning of mammary glands and increase the amount of milk produced during the highest demand period. They have anti-inflammatory and regenerative effects on the reproductive system, improving the recovery of the uterus to its normal condition.
The formula is enriched with a vitamin and mineral supplement, which cover the nutrient deficiencies of the bitches body during periods of higher demand. The chelates contained in the product ensure high bioavailability of micronutrients. Especially recommended for females with a large litter or weakened physical condition after pregnancy or birth.
Product is especially recommedned for females with multiple litters or weakened physical condition after pregnancy and childbirth.
Organic chicken eggyolk, Fenegreek seeds (Trigonella foenum-graecum L.), mineral- vitamin mix, Wild rose fruit (Rosa canina L.), Fennel seeds (Foeniculum vulgare Mill.), Galega ocinalis L., Brewer’s Yeasts (Saccharomyces cerevisiae), Calcium carbonate with oyster shells, red seaweed (lithothamne).
ENERGY 373 kcal
FATS 25,3%
FIBER 26,8%
ASH 17,51%
Mixture of trace elements in 100g: Iron (ferric sulface(II) * H2O) 140μg, Iron (ferric chloride) 60μg, Manganese (Manganese Oxide (II)) 11 μg, Manganese (cglycine manganese chelate) 5μg, Cooper (gallate chelate of glucine h * 5H2O) 17μg, Cooper (Chelate cooper glycine hydrate) 7 μg, Zinc (Zinc sulphate * H2O) 167μg, Zinc (zinc sulfate chelate) 72μg, Iodine (potassium iodine) 6μg, Selenium (selenite sodium) 12,2 μg; Selenomethionine 26,4μg;
< 5kg b.w.: 1 g
5-10 kg b.w.: 2 g
10-15kg b.w.: 3 g
15-20kg b.w.: 4 g
20-25kg b.w.: 6 g
25-30kg b.w.: 8g
30kg b.w.<…10g
1 scoop = 1 gram
Serve mixed with food in the form of powder or suspension (after mixing with a small amount of water).