Cmentarna 57
39-200 Dębica
➡️Taurine participates in many physiological processes of the body, supports liver and heart function, accelerates muscle regeneration, and improves metabolism.
➡️The properties of this amino acid have a positive effect on the proper functioning of the nervous system.
➡️Taurine is an essential element of the diet for cats as well as dogs on a high-fat diet.
➡️Supplementation is recommended to balance cooked diets and B.A.R.F.
➡️Composition: 99.9% Taurine.
➡️Method of administration: administer the measured daily dose with food.
Administer in dissolved form.
Mix with moist food or dissolve in clean, cool water and add to the feed.
➡️Dogs predisposed to heart disease or on a cooked diet: 40mg/kg b.w.
➡️Dogs on a B.A.R.F. diet: 20mg/kg b.w.
➡️Cats: 250-400mg daily in total in all foods.
Addition to commercial feed: 20mg/kg b.w.
Approximate weight of the product in a scoop is about 1000 mg.
Package: 250g